Browse Items (4900 total)

Southeast facades of house located at 168 Old North Road currently (2021) owned by the Downey family and Kevin O'Conner. At the time the photograph was taken it was owned by William G. and Harriet L. P. Rice.

Taking the High Road: A Two Hundred Year History of a Hilltown by Jane Benedict Phinney, Savoy Massachusetts, 1797-1997. Paper, self published, 168 pp. illustrated.

Marion Graves Stockbridge (Mrs. David) sepia colored cabinet card.
'A. J. Schillare extra finish Northampton, Mass' Beautiful photograph with intense eyes. Sister of Caroline Graves (Mrs. Horace Bartlett). Dated Nov. 5, 1891

Sepia cabinet photo Delia (Cordelia?) Porter (1865-1946). Daughter of Cornelia Porter and Levi Packard Porter. She lived mostly in Cummington Mass.

Black and white cabinet card portrait of Ralph G. Bartlett (1872-1898) . A. J. Schillare Studio 'Extra Finish', Northampton, MA. He is sitting on a woodenchair, in best dress, with hat, next to what appears to be a Franklin Stove. He is holding a…

ph107b pc.pdf
Three striking photographic post cards (2 black and white, 1 color) of 'Street View Worthington Center, Mass.' It is the 'Sheldon House' looking north from Brewster's Store on NW quadrant of Sam Hill Road and Route 112. The address is 217 Huntington…

Invoice from A. L. Scoville Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, purveyor of patent medicines, to E.H. Brewster, April 24, 1872. The Brewster's General Store was located at the NE corner of Huntington Road (Rte 112) and Harvey Road. Shows items purchased,…

Sepia tone photograph of Emerson Davis Home on Dingle Road with two elderly people and one horse standing in front, possibly Emerson Davis' parents.
A. W. Howes photograph mounted on board.

Black and white photograph of Mrs. Charles F. Bates (Amanda Bartlett) (1853-1920) in front of her home in Ashfield. A.W. Howes of Ashfield (Photographer).

Leather bound weekly time book detailing names, hours worked and weekly pay for large number of Worthington men from Saturday June 11, 1898 through Saturday August 7, 1898. Names include Pierce, Ball, Gould, Frank Smith, Wells, Chapman, Hyde,…

Transcript of journal of Aaron Stevens dated 1921 by F. B. S. (Flora Beth Stevens). Meeting house raised 1825. J. Watt died (notice lack of "s" on Watt). Diary is from 1817 - 1856.

Newspaper article pertaining to the sale of the Morgan Hall Homestead for $12.5m which had been moved from Worthington to Martha's Vinyard

1840 federal census for Worthington, 14pp. enumerated by Alpheus Langley. Total population 1,197. Two-page format, first page is household info, second page includes info about slaves and free blacks, school populations, employment by category…

Digital copy of glossy color photo of fire at the Albert Farm warehouses on Huntington Road taken from across the street at the home of Harley and Althea Mason. This image shows the fire reflected in the Masons' living room window.
Also newspaper…

Letter from American Employees Insurance Co.; lists of postmasters of Worthington P.O. from 1796-1987; attachment of hand-written paper describing W.P.O. origin giving mail stage routes from 1793-94 (route through Roberts Meadow, Chesterfield and…

Glass and framed certificate from 'Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General" to Henry H. Snyder. Please see Box 44a, 44-92. He was enrolled in this Freemason Society on December 6, 1956.…

Partial article from Daily Hampshire Gazette 'Toasting 30 Years of Sevenars' - written by Anna-Maria Goossens.

A biographical article about Mabel Weber (1902-1985) and her workshop on Buffington Hill Road where she made and restrored stuffed animals. Also mentioned is her daughter, Florence Chamberlin (1927-2021)

Two black and white photographic post card of 'The Corners Grocery.' One card is taken in the winter the other in the summer. Both are an Etch Tone card with the inscription: 'Home of Packard's Cheese, Worthington, Mass 01098.' The sign over the…

Two black and white photographic post card of 'The Corners Grocery.' One card is taken in the winter the other in the summer. Both are an Etch Tone card with the inscription: 'Home of Packard's Cheese, Worthington, Mass 01098.' The sign over the door…
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