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Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. Miniature model

Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. This slide shows a portion of the building exterior with the installation of siding underway. Exterior

Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. This slide shows a portion of the building exterior with the installation of siding underway. Exterior

Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. This slide shows the south end of the building. The door is located on the south end. Exterior

Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. This slide shows the north end of the building. Note the presence of the chimney located near the north end of the west wall. Exterior

Renovation of the Capen/Riverside school. This is part of a collection of 27 diapositive color slides. This slide shows the west side of the building. Note the presence of the chimney located near the north end of the west wall. Exterior

This is one of fifteen photographs of the 1976 renovation of the Capen/Riverside School House. This shows recent drywalling around a window unit.

This is one of fifteen photographs of the 1976 renovation of the Capen/Riverside School House. Roger Gunn and Ernie Nugent? Color photo scanned as black and white.

This is one of fifteen photographs of the 1976 renovation of the Capen/Riverside School House. This photograph shows the barrel vaulted ceiling. Color photo scanned as black and white.

This is one of fifteen photographs of the 1976 renovation of the Capen/Riverside School House. This photograph shows the floor joists. Color photo scanned as black and white.

This is one of fifteen photographs of the 1976 renovation of the Capen/Riverside School House. Note Kenneth Lundrigan on back in ink. Roger Gunn and Kenneth Lundrigan. This photograph shows recently completed drywalling. Color photo scanned as…

Work behind Maples Senior Housing in 2008

The 1783 Sam Hill house was moved in 1987 to its third location on Prentice Road. When it was reassembled in 1990, and placed on a cement slab, it was noticed that the members had two sets of marks, indicating that the original location of the…


Current home of Robert and Sandy Epperly on Huntington Road. Ca. 1890.


All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
This is a round lace collar with eylets on outside, scalloped on inside…

All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
This is a fine lace bib with collar, backed with lining. Cream colored.…

All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
Lace collar - large mesh with oval shapes predominating in design,…

All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
Lace material piece, wide mesh with tightly woven band at edge for…

All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
Lace collar, small mesh, damaged on one end, cream color. identify date…

All of these clothing parts were found in a box in the schoolhouse (Capen/Riverside) with note that says "Mrs. Hawley's stuff," also marked from Starkweather family (390/S/#682)
Two lace cuffs - double row of lace, oval motif (matches three piece…
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