Through its Oral History Program, the WHS seeks to document the lives and activities of the people who live and work in Worthington at the present time. Today’s events, however trivial they may seem, are tomorrow’s history. A hundred years from now, our great grandchildren may be curious about the equipment we used to build houses, bake bread or grade dirt roads; about how we celebrated family reunions or fought fires or connected to the “world-wide-web.” Through the Oral History Program, we can preserve these stories in our own voices and share them with those who want to listen. Everyone has a story to tell. Consider sharing your memories of daily life, of graduations, weddings or funerals, get-togethers, musical events, homecomings, local businesses and town events. Whatever you would like to share, we would love to hear about it.

1950 “sugar-eat” at the Town Hall. Maple syrup was boiled down to the soft ball stage and then served on snow with sour pickles and saltines. The man in the red shirt is Eben Shaw. If you know who else was there, please let us know.

Cupboard filled with dishes and other household items on display at the Worthington Historical Society (photo by Kate Ewald)
Two recording options are available: audio-taped or video-taped interviews. Each interview will be conducted in two parts. At a convenient time and place, a preliminary interview will be conducted to explain the process, identify topics of interest, and to prepare a release form to formalize the agreement and protect confidentiality. The participant and the interviewer will agree on questions that will be covered.
The recording session will be casual with every effort made to assure that the participant is relaxed and comfortable. Often, this means arranging for a friend or relative to conduct the actual interview, with WHS personnel as backup for support and to handle recording equipment.
Audio recording is free to Worthington residents, although donations to cover costs are always welcome.
Participants will have an opportunity to review recordings prior to final editing and they will receive a copy of the interview if they would like one. Another copy will be retained for the Worthington Historical Society archive. Additional copies, will be available for a small charge.
For the benefit of participants, the WHS and our town, respectful candor is a key feature of all interviews.
Past participants have included Lester Champion, Archer Fitzgerald, Fran Granger, Ralph Moran, Ken Pease and Ted Porter. We hope we will have a chance to record many more Worthington residents. If you want some ideas of things you might talk about, click here.

“The Fearsome Foursome” – portrait taken inside the Worthington Golf Club, October 1994. From left: Archer Fitzgerald, Don Fobes, Ralph Moran, Ted Claydon.
I would like to be able to view the “sugar eat” photo in larger form in order to identify some of the people. Where would I do that?